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The story of NHIM began in 2014 with an invitation from Jesus to journey into the marketplace for His Kingdom. We continue to follow Him with the same passion today: to see people come into their true identity in Him. NHIM represents our destiny in Christ, that we are one in Him, for “In Him (NHIM) we have our being”(Acts 17:28). We make divinely inspired apparel telling the story of Jesus, Yeshua, YAHWEH - the Lord and Savior of this world. We are the Kingdom of God, together.



We love exploring the endless creativity of God and consider it a joy and passion to create with Him. We find the ultimate fulfillment in pursuing a life of beautiful unity with Jesus apart from anything we can “do” for Him. Creating divinely inspired Christian clothing is simply an extension of our life with Him. It's our joy to create what some consider “Christian streetwear” like our t-shirtshoodies, and hats, simply because we enjoy doing it and we delight in glorifying God in all we put our hands to.

What Does "Christian Apparel" Even Mean?

We desire that every garment we make would establish a connection with the wearer to the reality that the Spirit of the living God is closer than the clothes on their skin. It is our hope that every piece we create would communicate the message of Emmanuel, God with us, to not only the wearer but to all who they encounter. Just like Paul had cloth that was used by God for His purposes, we create every piece with the same intentionality, empowered by and in submission to the God we love and serve. We don't believe that simply putting a cross or a verse on clothing makes it "Christian," but we do believe that what is done by the Holy Spirit will be sustained by the Spirit. And it is by the Spirit of our beloved Jesus that we have determined to do all things at NHIM.

IN HIM > Apparel

We believe that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. As a Christian clothing brand, we desire to not only create clothing you will connect to, but we desire that everything we do would be a catalyst for the ministry of reconciliation on the earth (2 Cor. 5). It is our hope that we would have the opportunity to pray with you and see the power of God impact your life. It is our prayer that you, too, would have these encounters with others as you pursue a life in Him.

"In Him (NHIM) we live and move and have our being." Acts 17:28


