Do you know why you are here?
You were created by God, on purpose, to be alive on the earth right now.
You were created for a specific purpose, and until you discover it you will never find the peace and the meaning your soul so deeply desires.
You have one soul purpose in life, and there is only one way to fulfill it.
It is beyond any stage or platform or fleeting moment of fame.
It is more impactful than any success you could attain, or influence you could gain.
You have been created to know God personally.
He created you to be with Him here and now.
Like a branch to a vine, you were created to be connected to Jesus.
Independence is a lie, apart from connection with Him we simply die, slowly.
His words are life, His Spirit is life.
There are dark forces at work trying to convice you that you are seperate from Him, that you must find your own way, that He is not here.
But His very name, Emmanuel, means God with us.
His death on the cross wasn't only to free us from sin, it was to return us back to unity with Him.
He already made the way for you. His death and resurrection opened the door for His Holy Spirit to reunite you back to oneness with Him.
He is freely offering the forgiveness, purification, and freedom from every mistake, every sin, every wrong from your past, present and future that your soul so deeply desires.
He is here with you right now, waiting for you.
All you have to do is choose Him.
You invite Him in, just as you are.
You open the door to Him, give Him your life and all of your baggage, and He is the one that does the work.
He is a consuming fire that burns away every thing in you that doesn’t belong.
Ask and you shall receive Him.
Seek and you will find Him.
Knock and He will open to you.
Everything you were created for flows out of this one thing: knowing Him.
So it’s time for you.
You are here, right now, not by accident but because God has brought you here.
There's no magical prayer formula, and no religious checklist to complete.
It’s Him.
But He chose to give you a free will, so it does require that you give Him the right.
And He is with you right now.
So don’t wait.
Ask Him now.
It can be as simple as saying this from your heart right where you are:
God, I ask for your help.
I don’t want to do this on my own anymore.
I ask for forgiveness for trying to control this life you gave me.
I surrender control of my life and I give it to you.
I give you my past, my mistakes, all of me.
Would you come into me right now, forgive me of my sins, and wash me clean?
Jesus, will you be the Lord of my life?
Would you come and make your home in me?
I give you my heart, I give you all that I am.
I declare that I am making you, Jesus, the Lord of my life.
Will you fill me now with your Holy Spirit?
Reveal your presence to me and teach me your voice.
I want to live in your love and freedom everyday.
Thank you Jesus!
If you just made the decision to follow Jesus we want to celebrate with you!
He is the greatest decision you will ever make.
Jesus makes it clear in scripture that this decision is a daily decision, where we choose to follow Him every day.
We learn to surrender to Him.
We learn to become more like Him.
He wants to teach us His ways.
He wants to reveal Himself.
It's a journey of discovering just how amazingly real He is!
Chances are you are already experiencing Him in this moment: the joy, the freedom, the undeniable peace that He gives when we come close to Him.
Learning to listen to Him and hear Him takes intentionality and desire.
Pursue Jesus!
Discover life IN HIM.
We would love to help you by answering any questions you might have or help you understand how to daily walk in the love of Jesus.
We provide weekly content if you subscribe to our emails that will help challenge you to follow Jesus daily and journey into a life connected to Him.
We would also love to hear your story and what God is doing in your life today! Reach out to us on our prayer and testimony page.
Bless you, Beloved!
For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins. Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.
For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him God reconciled everything to himself.
He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross. This includes you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions.
Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.
But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News.
Colossians 1:13-15, 19-23