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For the Least

In a world of influencers and celebrities, it is easy to be deceived into believing that our value is determined by how many people show us value.

We disagree with this measurement.

The revelation of our worth and value isn't determined by followers, likes, or even what our friends and family say about us. Our value was determined once and for all when the God of the universe gave up His life to die for us on a cross two thousand years ago in Israel.

If God says we're worth everything to Him then it doesn't really matter what anyone else says, all other opinions are rendered insignificant.

This truth will set us free.

Jesus alone determines our worth and value. So if the world treats you as the least of all, know that to God you are worth everything and that NHIM Apparel is for you.

For the Un-Famous

We aren't influenced by those who want to be the greatest, but by those who are willing to become the least for the sake of the Greatest: the One and Only Yeshua.

We believe that the greatest in the kingdom of heaven is the one who is willing to become the servant of all.

We reject the worthless idea that fame and celebrity are goals that should be pursued as a means of identity and value.

Whoever gains the whole world and loses their soul profits nothing. But whoever is willing to lose their life for the sake of Jesus will find it.

Motive matters. The heart matters. Purity over popularity.

At NHIM, we celebrate the pursuit of a life that has found true purpose and identity in Christ alone and is liberated from the deception of "Christian Celebrity."

True beauty doesn't demand an audience. If you feel hidden, living a quiet life of obedience and faithfulness to the things Jesus has placed before you, then we see you as great and NHIM is for you.

And equally, if Jesus gives you great public influence as you pursue Him faithfully, NHIM is for you. We pray you use it well.

But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then. - Jesus

For the Broken

I once was lost but now I'm found. I was blind but now I see.

Jesus came for the sick, the lost, and the broken.

At NHIM, we live fully aware of the reality that apart from Him, we have nothing. We are walking testimonies of the goodness and faithfulness of God.

We understand that, together, we are the church. We are a mosaic being put together to make one beautiful masterpiece displaying the likeness of God.

If you are lost, confused, angry, hurt, desperate, drowning, dying, trapped, bound, weary, reckless, enslaved, empty or just wandering and wondering - then NHIM is for you.

We exist to destroy the works of the devil and save that which has been lost: your unity, purpose, and identity in Him (NHIM).

We have seen God do countless miracles and would love nothing less than to see you step out of darkness and into light by the power of God's perfect love. We would love to pray with you and agree with what God is doing in your life. Jesus came to set you free and we are living proof of His miraculous power.

CHRISTIAN Hoodies & Jesus

We believe that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. As followers of Jesus, we desire to not only create Christian sweatshirts and clothing you will love to wear, but we desire that our garments would communicate the powerful reality of God, here and now. It is our hope that we would have the opportunity to pray with you and see the power of God impact your life. It is our prayer that you, too, would have these encounters with others as you wear NHIM APPAREL.


Sweatshirts not Sweatshops

Our garments are sustainably sourced and made in the USA. All of our streetwear collections, including our t-shirtshats, incorporate the values instilled by our loving Creator, Jesus Christ, that we are stewards of His creation designed to display His glory.


What is a "Christian Hoodie" anyways?

In our eyes, the term "Christian" is much more than a loosely used cultural reference. Simply slapping a label on something categorically is powerless apart from truth. Looking past the historical misuse and cultural degradation of this beautiful word, we hold to the power and meaning of its original intent.

Christian means "Christ-like one." So, to us, using this term is a declaration of our pursuit to follow Jesus Christ, the one who conquered death and the grave in our place, as we seek to become like Him with our whole lives.

It is a declaration that we leave no separation between the work of our hands and the condition of our hearts.

It is all from Him, through Him, and to Him.


NHIM Apparel

"In Him (NHIM) we live and move and have our being." Acts 17:28

Let Us Pray for you

