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I feel it again…it’s a season of being squeezed, not knowing where tomorrow’s provision will come from or if it will come at all.  “Will we be able to pay this week’s payroll & rent?” In reality we are thousands of dollars short of paying the basic business bills this week due to low January sales, and even that barely scratches the surface of what’s really needed.  I won’t mention all the inventory bills waiting to be paid, and business loans on top of that. Unless sales increase over the next four days — in the middle of a snow storm in Colorado — it’s not looking good.

If I’m honest, in these moments I question the “why”.  “Lord, why are we doing this again?  And why did we sign up for this?”  If I only look at the finances and not the impact our marketplace-ministry has made, my melody begins to sound a lot like the start of King David’s psalms.  He says, “God, you are my righteousness, my champion defender. Answer me when I cry for help! Whenever I was in distress, you enlarged me (made room for me). I’m being squeezed again — I need your kindness right away! Grant me your grace, hear my prayer, and set me free!” (Psalm 4:1 TPT)

David and I are kindred hearts, and I think many faithful believers have seasons like the one I’m in.  All I really need is for God to make room for me again. To remember me. It’s like being on the edge of a narrow cliff, and needing a savior — real bad.  I need Him to come through in the darkest hour of the night, on His white horse.  I need a CHAMPION DEFENDER.  There’s a reason we all love a good love story.  Deep down I believe everyone loves the idea of being rescued and cared for.  And that’s exactly what the Lord does for us who love Him.


Every time we’ve gotten this close to rock bottom, and told Him we’re ready to raise our white flag, something miraculous happens and He comes through. God is kind, SO kind.  But I also believe He desires for us to be reminded of our need of Him.  If we were fully self-sufficient, then who would remember Him?  I am VERY aware of how much I need Him right now, and that He is the only one I choose to worship. Money is not my God, and money is not my provider.  GOD is my provider. I’ve seen His hand move miraculously on so many impossible moments in my life and in our business.  Sometimes it’s the last minute possible too. :) So please don’t lose hope.  Hope is just about to burst forth and make a way for you if you keep trusting Him.  “May we never forget that the Lord works wonders for every one of his devoted lovers.”  (Psalm 4:3 TPT)


UPDATE: God came through (!!) and provided enough to cover the bills this week!! Thank you Jesus!! We’re believing and proclaiming this is a year of provision and financial breakthrough, and we are blessing you with that word too! —> WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT now more than ever, to keep the NHiM store alive and thriving. Matt & I hope you know that we have always worked to do everything with excellence, for the glory of God. It starts with us, our design team, our in-house manufacturing and screen printing process, our events team, wholesale team, marketing and branding, our store remodel, our incredible retail staff and store and our heart for marketplace ministry/prayer.  It’s all done with a heart of excellence, purely for His glory alone.  So please KEEP supporting, as the world needs more marketplace ministry outside the walls of the church.  THE WORLD NEEDS JESUS 💯We love you all & appreciate the years of support thus far!! LET’S KEEP GOING!!



So happy to hear God came through for your financial situation. Your product is too good. Your stores are so great. I can’t believe you’re done yet. Hang in there, friends. “I pray that from God’s glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit.”Ephesians 3:16

Norissa Harman

I almost went past this mailer/blog and didn’t open because I was so busy. Already and it’s 5:44 am I’m glad I stopped and read I to own a clothing company and it’s a really slow month for us as well ready to surrender and throw up the white flag as well thanks for the scripture and truth praying for you and us God does have a plan for us! Blessings for you all

Dean Yearous

I was in the same situation as you with the restaurant I owned. I had debt to two different places and was heading into the slowest part of the year. I believe God wants His people out of debt. I did raise up the white flag and liquidated the assets. When everything is done, I will be debt free. Now I am free to see what God has for me. I believe his word when He said he will meet all my needs.

Kristine Garcia

God is soooo good all the time! Thank you Lord Jesus for your provision and guidance and all my appreciation for NHIM.

I want to be transparent and I want to say that because of NHIM I followed my dream that God placed in my life. He gave me a clear answer to create a Christian cosmetic line and I listened to Him and took the leap of Faith. I knew it was possible and I had the courage because I was rocking my NHIM shirts! No, seriously I remember the very first time I walked into this awesome new store in Park Meadows which I was there on opening weekend. The prayer I received at the end of my purchase was serious ‘wow’ factor, the best shopping experience I have ever had! That feeling rushed over me, like this is my chance to make a difference in my career. That night, I prayed for Him to Show me His path for me and soon opened the door to what soon became my brand, Blessed Beauty Cosmetics. I really just want to say thank you for everything NHiM is and stands for, because you guys really were the huge inspiration behind my brand. I’m just a little faith-based Cosmetic brand in Castle Rock CO and I am still trying to find my way to get into stores and market what I have to offer. Seeing and wearing NHiM allowed me to actually go for it!

Sorry for the lengthy message but I really felt I needed to share that with you.

P.S If you ever want to add a few beauty products to your beautiful store I would love to talk more and show you my brand.

Thank you and God Bless

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